New user problems

Bosco Rama bzr at
Fri Jul 13 00:21:44 UTC 2012

Hi folks,

I have been directed to migrate our existing Perforce setup to
bazaar.  We are trying to use a set of centralized repos with
decentralized devs.  We are trying for the 'decentralized with
shared mainline' workflow.

I am running on UB Svr 10.04.4 LTS (corporate requirement) with the
latest build of bzr from the launchpad PPA (2.5.0-2~bazaar1~lucid1)
with the following packages installed:

$ aptitude search bzr | grep '^i'
i   bzr                             - easy to use distributed version control sy
i   bzr-doc                         - easy to use distributed version control sy
i   bzr-fastimport                  - Fast-import/fast-export plugin for Bazaar
i   bzr-loom                        - Focused patch plugin support for Bazaar
i   bzr-pipeline                    - Bazaar plugin for managing a pipeline of c
i   bzr-pqm                         - bzr plugin to submit an email to a Patch Q
i   bzr-rebase                      - transitional dummy package for bzr-rewrite
i A bzr-rewrite                     - History rewriting plugin for Bazaar
i   bzr-search                      - search plugin for Bazaar
i   bzr-stats                       - statistics plugin for Bazaar
i   bzr-upload                      - Bazaar plugin for uploading to web servers
i   bzrtools                        - Collection of tools for bzr
i A python-bzrlib                   - distributed version control system - pytho
i   python-bzrlib.tests             - distributed version control system - tests

I like the 'feel' of bazaar but am experiencing a few problems.
The main one is the data migration from p4 -> bzr.

The specified tool (p4-fast-export) only seems to import the
revision history and not the actual files.  At least, nothing shows
up when I do a 'pull' from the created repo.  'git-p4' works but that
requires a trip through git with the associated cruft that brings to
the table.

I'm also trying to muddle through the whole conversion from multi-
view mappings in a p4 client to the single tree approach that most
of the DVCS's seem to use.  Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

And one final issue I'm running up against is the whole 'rcs keywords'
thing.  I pulled the bzr-keywords plugin, installed it in my plugins
directory with the proper name and when I try to run either the
selftest or even get help I get the following error:

   'module' object has no attribute 'filter_stacks_registry'

Maybe I'm missing a required package or plugin?  However, I've been
unable to find any hint of what that may be.

Once again, I like what I'm seeing of bzr.



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