treeless branches + lightweight co-s or colocated branches

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Jun 20 08:09:15 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 6/19/2012 9:47 AM, Gour wrote:

> It's very nice setup and now we use e.g. treeless repo +
> lightweight checkouts for a running programs to keep their config
> data under dvcs, but having repo in the other place.
> Now, I wonder how does this setup (treeless branches + switching 
> lightweight checkouts compare with colocated branches?
> Any pro/cons?

Personally, treeless repo + lightweight checkouts is an ideal workflow
for me.

The main benefit is flexibility. You can have multiple checkouts
pointing at the same 'farm' of branches. I use this a lot if
developing multiple features. You can have switched to a new feature
and are not ready to commit, but another one got a review and needs a
tweak before submitting it.

Main downside is that it is not the default setup, and it isn't really
easy to have a simple "set up my work in this manner". You need a
place for the repo (which is pretty user specific), and then a place
for the trees (also user specific), etc.

> First thing I notice that the latter requires using new storage
> format and second, I see that 2.6 docs 
> (
> use future tense in several places, so we wonder how much is the
> 'colocated branches' feature complete in the current bzr and what
> to expect in 2.6?
> Is bzr-colo plugin obsolete now?
> Sincerely, Gour

It doesn't change the storage format, and the branches and structure
is actually backwards compatible. (older bzr can commit/pull/push/etc
in a colo setup, it just doesn't know how to switch to individual
branches, etc.)


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