Bazaar, Launchpad and Mercurial

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Thu Jun 14 03:53:22 UTC 2012

Russel Winder <russel at> writes:

> I thought there used to be a bzr-hg package in Debian but Debian
> assures me there is not. Has there ever been a bzr-hg package?

For answering questions like this, I find the Debian Package Tracking
System (PTS) to be valuable.


    This package is neither part of unstable nor experimental. This
    probably means that the package has been removed (or has been
    renamed). Thus the information here is of little interest ... the
    package is going to disappear unless someone takes it over and
    reintroduces it into unstable.


    [2012-02-17] Removed 0.2.0~bzr544-1 from unstable (Alexander Reichle-Schmehl)


 \       “Following fashion and the status quo is easy. Thinking about |
  `\        your users' lives and creating something practical is much |
_o__)                                harder.” —Ryan Singer, 2008-07-09 |
Ben Finney
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