bzr-2.5.1 windows installers available

Martin Packman martin.packman at
Wed Jun 13 23:14:12 UTC 2012

Windows installers for the stable bzr 2.5.1 release are now available:


This includes a number of important fixes for features introduced in
2.5, notably localisation, colocated branch removal, and https
certificate checking through a proxy. A windows specific fix by
Alexander that was missed in the real 2.5.1 release is also included.
Please report if you have any issues.

Plugin version changes:
* fastimport updated to 0.9.2
* dulwich updated to 0.8.5
* bzr-git updated to 0.6.8
* bzr-svn updated to 1.2.2

Thanks again to Gordon for his making a note of what plugin versions
he uses for the OSX installers.


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