Migrating from SVN to DVCS.

Daniel Carrera dcarrera at hush.com
Thu Jun 7 14:49:02 UTC 2012

Hi Philip,

Thanks for the info. Very interesting. I do have a follow-up question:  What motivated you and your company to switch to Bazaar as an SVN client? You know... "what were you trying to accomplish?", "what other alternatives did you consider?", etc.

I am mostly just curious. Interoperability with SVN has a lot to do with how easily people can migrate to Bazaar.

> There seems to be a bzr-svn bridge problem that causes
> revisions to not maintain consistency between computers, so we 
> would hit issues where we couldnt merge each other's changes, and
> couldnt save or update from trunk.

Hmm... that's not good.

> The solution ended up being a slight workflow adjustment. Rather than
> having developers commit to svn directly from their own machine & 
> own repository, we started requirement them to remote into a central
> shared repository using putty.  Basically, no dev ever directly pulled
> or committed changes from subversion, but rather, they'd all 
> use the shared repo.  This solved the broken repositories and changes...
> and without too many hassles. A bit of developer re-training, but it
> worked well. 

It sounds like you basically migrated entirely to Bazaar... What do you use SVN for?


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