[ANN] bzr 2.5.1 released

Henrik Nordström henrik at henriknordstrom.net
Wed May 30 14:43:07 UTC 2012

THere seem to be some problem with the gpg signature. Link to the sig
says bzr-2.5b1.tar.gz.asc where 2.5.1 was expected..

ons 2012-05-30 klockan 15:41 +0200 skrev Vincent Ladeuil:
> Hi all,
> Here comes our new stable release: 2.5.1
> Bazaar <http://bazaar.canonical.com/> is a Canonical project and part of
> the GNU project <http://gnu.org/> to produce a free operating system.
> This is a bugfix release. Upgrading is recommended for all users on
> earlier 2.5 releases.
> 2.5.1 contains all known bug fixes for all stable releases (including
> the ones we made for the previous stable series).
> Thanks to all participants, whether you sent merge proposals, comments,
> suggestions and feedback, we very much appreciate all of them.
> Bazaar is now available for download from
> https://launchpad.net/bzr/2.5/2.5.1/ as a source tarball.
> Installers are available for OSX from the url above, windows ones are on
> their way.
> 2.5.1 has also been uploaded to ubuntu.
> The detailed changelog is available below,
>     Vincent
> External Compatibility Breaks
> *****************************
> None.
> New Features
> ************
> None.
> Improvements
> ************
> * ``bzr rmbranch`` now supports removing colocated branches.
>   (Jelmer Vernooij, #920653)
> * ``bzr rmbranch`` no longer removes active branches unless ``--force``
>   is specified. (Jelmer Vernooij, #922953)
> Bug Fixes
> *********
> * Connecting with HTTPS via HTTP now correctly uses the host name of the
>   destination rather than the proxy when checking certificates.
>   (Martin Packman, #944696)
> * Fixed merge tool availability checking and invocation to search the
>   Windows App Path registry in addition to the PATH. (Gordon Tyler, #939605)
> * Fixed problem with getting errors about failing to open /dev/tty when using
>   Bazaar Explorer to sign commits. (Mark Grandi, #847388)
> * Fix UnicodeEncodeError when translated progress task messages contain
>   non-ascii text. (Martin Packman, #966934)
> * Make sure configuration options can provide their own help topic.
>   (Jelmer Vernooij, #941672)
> Documentation
> *************
> * The alpha-quality texinfo sphinx builder has been deprecated. Sphinx >=
>   1.1.2 now provides a better one. Most of the documentation can now be
>   generated to the texinfo format with ``make texinfo-sphinx``. This will
>   generate both the ``.texi`` files and the ``.info`` ones.
>   (Vincent Ladeuil, #940164)
> API Changes
> ***********
> None.
> Testing
> *******
> * Add support for pyftpdlib >= 0.7.0 and drop support for previous pyftpdlib
>   versions. (Vincent Ladeuil, #956027)
> * Run smoketest for setup.py isolated in a tempdir. (Martin Packman, #140874)

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