bzr commit e-mail fails with bzr 2.4.x and 2.5.x on Fedora Core 14

Vincent Ladeuil vila+bzr at
Fri May 18 14:15:17 UTC 2012

>>>>> Gaiseric Vandal <gaiseric.vandal at> writes:


    > If I have "post_commit_mailer=smtplib" in my bazaar.conf set, then I get
    > the following error.

    -> pwd
    >         /home/myname/bzr/workspace/localrepo1
    -> bzr commit --unchanged -m "test"
    >         Committing to:
    > /home/myname/bzr/localrepo/localrepo1/                                                                

    >         Committed revision
    > 39.                                                                                               

    >         bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'SMTPConnection' object
    > has no attribute 'send_text_email'

That's a recent regression in the email plugin :-(

Reverting to revno 55 should work around the issue.

  cd ~/.bazaar/plugins/email
  bzr pull -r55 --overwrite


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