Major diff/merge changes in bzr and explorer

Andreas Sommer andreas.sommer87 at
Mon May 7 21:33:38 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

Andreas Sommer wrote:
> From: Aaron Bentley <aaron at> Sent: 03.05.2012
> 16:07 To: bazaar at Subject: Re: Major diff/merge
> changes in bzr and explorer
>> On 12-05-03 04:41 AM, Andreas Sommer wrote:
>>> From: Gordon Tyler <gordon at>
>>>> Another diff-related feature request that I recall seeing
>>>> was for proper handling of multi-file diffs with tools that
>>>> can handle them.
>>> Good point. There is an important distinction to make:
>>> 1) Tools that show multiple 2-way diffs, e.g. in tabs. This is 
>>> done by multiple process invocations (e.g. WinMerge) or
>>> passing the file pairs as parameters (e.g. meld) as described
>>> in the bug comments.
>>> 2) Tools that can handle 3+ way diffs like Diffuse. 'bzr diff' 
>>> can only compare two revisions at the moment, so
>>> multi-revision diff tools can not be used yet. But it might be
>>> worth considering it in the implementation of a common tool
>>> invocation module. For example, instead of parameters
>>> (old_filename,new_filename) one could use a list new_filenames
>>> (that would contain one filename in case of the traditional
>>> 2-way diff).
>> I would distinguish between per-file diff tools and per-tree diff
>>  tools.  The diff code I wrote handles per-file diff tools as 
>> extra_factories for DiffTree.  I imagined that per-tree diff
>> tools would be implemented using the same API as DiffTree, and 
>> registered with bzrlib.diff.format_registry, but I didn't do any 
>> work on that.
>> Aaron
> Not sure what you mean by per-tree diff tools - no tool except for
> the bzr textual representation can display all different types of
> changes (modified text files or pictures, symlinks, changed
> directories, renames).
> I propose the following: Bazaar's textual representation remains
> the default, and the differs in extra_factories are tried first.
> The "--format" parameter which does the selection in 
> bzrlib.diff.format_registry, will only be valid for the internal
> diff (e.g. one could implement different formats apart from the
> unified diff, that's how I understand the word "format"). Now for
> the external tools: I will add an option like 
> "bzr.difftool.MyDiffTool.is_default" (true/false). Also an option 
> ".is_console_based" that says whether it can be run without a 
> graphical environment. "bzr diff" without the "--tool" parameter
> will try all "default" differs first before using the textual 
> representation (if there's no graphical environment like in an SSH 
> session (how would I check this??), only the ones with 
> .is_console_based==true). In contrast, "bzr diff
> --tool=MyCoolTool" will select the tool with that name and use it
> for all changes that it supports, else falls back to other
> preferred tools, then to built-in diff. The ".is_default" option
> thus means that "bzr diff" uses them automatically without the
> "--tool" parameter, so that a user can replace the default diff
> algorithm completely by another tool.
> Does that make sense somehow? Or how did you imagine this, also 
> regarding the existing DiffPath implementation?
> Andreas

So now I implemented it as described above, with some small changes:
- - Added the following options for each diff tool (default value in
parentheses): is_default (false), is_gui (false), filename_regex
(None), file_types (text,binary)
  - filename_regex defines which filenames are supported, e.g.
\.docx?$ for a tool that can diff Word documents
  - file_types defines whether text, binary or both can be handled
  - is_default defines whether "bzr diff" may choose this tool
  - is_gui is for default (is_default=true) tools that should only be
chosen if the new "--ui" parameter is given

Conclusion: "bzr diff" stays as is because no default tools are
defined for the command line (yet?!). The user can define own
preferred tools. "bzr diff --ui" will start a GUI-based tool if available.

Since I'm using Windows/Tortoise{Git,SVN} quite often, I already added
TortoiseMerge (also works as diff tool despite its name) for text
files and the TortoiseSVN MS Word diff script for .doc and .docx files.

See branch at, feedback
welcome!! Thanks,
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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