workflow advice for bzr builder + pbuilder

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at
Mon Apr 23 07:03:19 UTC 2012

I am packaging some cutting edge Scipy/Numpy addon packages to a PPA.
I frequently encounter problems (build failues) because something in the 
upstream changes.

I am using recipies on LP.

Now I want to use a local environment to debug faster.

Could you please advise me on a efficient workflow that uses bzr 
builddeb and pbuilder for this?

another user apparently was in the same situation:

[20:58] <audifahrer> dobey: yes, I use a receipe. I don't use pbuilder 
localy until now.
[21:01] <dobey> audifahrer: ok, you can use bzr dailydeb to get a source 
package for a recipe, and then you would use pbuilder to build that 
source package in a local chroot
[21:01] <dobey> audifahrer: and you can debug it there, instead of 
constantly trying to rebuild it on launchpad

Looking forward to your help.

Kind regards,

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