Error message in bottom panel of bzr-explorer
dedeco at
Fri Mar 16 15:15:43 UTC 2012
Em 16-03-2012 11:04, Alexander Belchenko escreveu:
> Dedeco пишет:
>> 16-03-2012 10:39, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>> Dedeco пишет:
>>>>> Under Settings/Configuration pick Branch Configuration and delete the
>>>>> parent_location line then save the file.
>>>> It does not open anything for me.
>>>> I ran it from a terminal too see output and maybe I've found a bug.
>>>> I saw Vim running on the terminal, I can even edit within it. But
>>>> in bzr explorer nothing is ever showed.
>>>> In the first time Vim complained about a .swp file. Maybe it was
>>>> left there from a crash. But even after I removed the swap file,
>>>> nothing shows when I click on Settings->Branch config.
>>> in branch-b directory navigate to .bzr/branch/ and edit branch.conf.
>> Sure, and I did.
>> But I tried to give more importance to the behavior I saw in bzr
>> explorer, in my last message. Is it known?
> I don't know.
Ooooo... now I get it. Explorer should not open a window. It was trying
to open the editor. But it calls vim without a terminal and then nothing
really would happen. It is really bad that it does not tell me about it,
though. And bazaar help is unhelpfull about what this menu does.
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