Recommendations on compacting revision history.

John Murtari jmurtari at
Thu Jan 26 12:02:12 UTC 2012

>> Folks,
>> Have a web site project with about 1800 files.  Love bzr and it has
>> made management easy.   We notice that it seems to be slowing down
>> a bit when we do commits/updates.
>> Right now we are up to revision 400.     We really don't care about a lot
> There shouldn't be any noticable slowdown after 400 revisions; bzr
> doesn't read all of history on commands like commit or update.
> That said, there is an amortised maintenance task that happens on
> power of 10 revisions, with power of 10 work at each occurence: so the
> 400th commit will be compacting the last 100 commits into a single
> data structure; the 1000th will be compacting the last 1000 commits,
> etc.
> bzr.log may shed some light as to whether this is what you are noticing.
> -Rob

         Okay, thanks for that info.   I thought there had to be some 
compaction going on inside.  Thanks again!

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jmurtari at                   "software that fits!" (TM)
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