Review Board with a Bazaar repository

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Sat Dec 24 02:54:06 UTC 2011

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 01:15:17PM +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> Howdy all,
> Review Board <URL:> is a code review tool
> with a command-line tool for submitting review requests, and a web
> application for working with review requests.
> Its documentation doesn't appear to mention Bazaar. Does anyone have
> experience using Review Board to manage code review on a Bazaar
> repository?

Our instance is a bit (understatement) slow -- we think it's due to the way
we're doing authz rather than reviewboard itself.

I was a bit disenchanted with ReviewBoard when I first started to use it
with some of our projects but I discovered that it actually has a lot of
features -- they just aren't very discoverable.  Supposedly if you read the
ReviewBoard manual, you can find many of the features you may have used on
bitbucket/github type sites to review proposed patches.

I'm not the reviewboard admin but I believe that it just worked once we got
reviewboard and a compatible version of bzr properly installed on the box.

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