Is "bzr push" safe?
songofacandy at
Thu Dec 1 02:47:57 UTC 2011
> Only git really allows me to be me, and "just commit" "early and> often" (like Richard Daley's advice about voting!), and fix up the> conceptual dependencies (DAG parentage) later. mq, pipelines, looms> all provide similar functionality, but they require me to *think*> about what I'm doing with the VCS while developing, rather than simply> following the "early and often" rule, and worrying about presentation> to 3rd parties later.
bzr allows me to "just commit" "early and often" and *doesn't* fixup later.
My dirty and often commits are in subline, so mainline is always simple.
So, it's a matter of personal taste.
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> Barry Warsaw writes:
> > I suspect that it's more that most projects have a strong sense of
> > their main line of development, i.e. the "blessed" trunk.
> Which really is another way of saying what I did, because VCSes aren't
> used by *projects*, they're used by *developers*. So developers have
> a strong incentive to concentrate on producing patches for the
> "blessed" trunk, and avoid "wasting" time on anything that doesn't
> advance their current patch.
> I can't do that. I've never seen a codebase that wasn't riddled with
> defects that don't manifest as runtime errors (missing or
> unintelligible or style-guide-violating docstrings, obsolete comments,
> etc). So my private work has no blessed mainline, it doesn't go
> straight forward.
> Only git really allows me to be me, and "just commit" "early and
> often" (like Richard Daley's advice about voting!), and fix up the
> conceptual dependencies (DAG parentage) later. mq, pipelines, looms
> all provide similar functionality, but they require me to *think*
> about what I'm doing with the VCS while developing, rather than simply
> following the "early and often" rule, and worrying about presentation
> to 3rd parties later.
> You might think I'd prefer Darcs, which manages this stuff more or
> less automatically. There are two problems: "more or less" in
> practice is "less" when it matters, and private history does matter to
> me, though not as much as public history (which IMHO *should* be
> inviolable *and indelible*, damn the RIAA and BSA anyway!)
INADA Naoki <songofacandy at>
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