[ANN] bzr-2.5b3 has gone gold !

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Fri Nov 11 03:36:35 UTC 2011

> +1. I really do wish that things-which-are-not-releases (alpha, beta,
> release candidate, etc.) not be announced as “released” or “gold”. It's
> confusing, and dilutes the meaning of those terms.
> Those terms should be reserved for things which are released, i.e. that
> the developers claim are ready for use by people beyond those interested
> in development.
> For announcements of the availability of something which isn't a
> release, why not use “available”?

I think the same argument goes for 'available': 2.5b3 is not fully
available until it is packaged.  We need something that more precisely
describes what stage we're at, and that's why I like "source frozen".


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