Proper tracking of file-level operations: rename, directories, merges

Martin Geisler mg at
Tue Oct 25 08:38:56 UTC 2011

Brian de Alwis <briandealwis at> writes:

> On 22-Oct-2011, at 9:11 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
>> I think from what you're telling me, though, the bug is in
>> Mercurial's representation of the change: it doesn't track the
>> directory as a filesystem entry which can be changed.
> On 24-Oct-2011, at 3:57 AM, Martin Geisler wrote:
>> Maybe I should have been more clear: in Mercurial, a directory rename
>> is defined to mean "all files in foo/ was moved to bar/".
>> My claim is that this is the same as defining it as meaning
>> "directory foo/ was moved to bar/". You hint that this is wrong, but
>> you provide no concrete way for me to test this.
> An example where this matters:
>   * Ben commits a change renaming directory foo/ to bar/
>   * I commit a parallel change adding a new file to foo/
> What should happen if Ben merges my change or I merge Ben's change?
> With bzr, my file is put in bar/. With Mercurial, as I understand from
> you, the file is put in foo/.

No, it's moved into bar/ as well since Mercurial will interpret the
rename of foo/* to bar/* by Ben as a directory rename.

So new files added to foo/ in parallel with this are moved into bar/:

> This situation has actually happened to me on more than one occasion,
> notably when dealing with Java refactorings, and when re-organizing
> the contents of a project.

Yes, it happens a lot in real life. If Mercurial failed to merge
correctly here, then I would call it a serious bug.

Martin Geisler

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