Proper tracking of file-level operations: rename, directories, merges

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Tue Oct 25 04:54:41 UTC 2011

Martin Geisler <mg at> writes:

> Yes, you cannot track an empty directory with Mercurial.

Another case where I consider Mercurial flawed. Empty directories are
first-class objects I want tracked by the VCS.

> I often see people argue that "Mercurial doesn't track directories" =>
> "Mercurial will be bad at merging"

I'm not making that argument, so I'm bemused that you spend so much
effort against it in this thread.

> Yeah -- if you require renames to be reported as elegantly as Bazaar,
> then we fail that requirement.

Thanks, I'm glad to have reached agreement with you. Is that lack
something soon to be fixed?

 \          “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without |
  `\      having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it |
_o__)                                             too?” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney
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