this week in ~canonical-bazaar

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Oct 18 08:54:48 UTC 2011

standup 2011-10-18


* Mostly working on launchpad things.
* launchpad uses revision_history which is deprecated in and
hurts performances
* More work on bzr-builder and bzr-builddeb buildds - has taken 4
months to get a new bzr-builder on the buildds
* Over weekend got bzr-svn to pass all the bzr per_* tests

next: bfbia, patch pilot


* few ubuntu problems
* landed bug 866100 (affectsme timeout) performance fix
* working on product planning
* suppressing spam about failed mp diff generation (itch, turned out
to take longer than than i thought)
* worked a bit on the tutorial, with a patch from James Newton
* patch piloting
* did some more interviews, and now Dan's starting soon on LP soon

next: install tarmac, restfulclient fixes and release


* Followed up on bzr-builddeb fix where the test was running into
debian.changelog version incompatiblities
* Fixed broken qbzr subprocess progress from 2.5 beta testing
* landed test-cleanup branch, which has been green on babune, got a
few more things there
* worked on simplifying LRU cache

next: follow up on bugs that were waiting for testcase cleanup branch
to land, and other testsuite work


* Ubuntu release week, spent most time working on Kubuntu
* Submitted fixes for a couple of small Bazaar bugs

this week: working on various small bugs

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