Debug options

Vincent Ladeuil vila+bzr at
Tue Oct 4 13:30:45 UTC 2011

>>>>> Eli Zaretskii <eliz at> writes:

    >> From: Martin Pool <mbp at>
    >> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 14:24:04 +1000
    >> Cc: Bazaar <bazaar at>
    >> For "how to diagnose", something like running 'bzr push
    >> log+sftp://whatever' will write into ~/.bzr.log all the file
    >> operations, which might give you a clue.

    > Does the "log+" thing work for all the other protocols as well?

It should.

    > I have never before seen anyone here requesting such a log, only
    > requests for adding the -Dhpss (in this case, -Dsftp) switch.

Right, we don't use it very often.

    > It would be good to know which one does what, and perhaps have
    > them mentioned in the docs.  How about a "Troubleshooting" section
    > in the docs?  Or maybe extend the "Debug Flags" section to talk
    > about more than just options?

`bzr help debug-flags ` is indeed at


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