Help with strange bzr connection hangs

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Mon Oct 3 19:19:09 UTC 2011

> Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 19:19:48 +0200
> From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz at>
> If I use -Dhpss, I see it always stuck at this point in .bzr.log:
>   8.391  Using fetch logic to copy between RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://'Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n')) and CHKInventoryRepository('file:///D:/gnu/bzr/emacs/.bzr/repository/')(RepositoryFormat2a())
>   8.391  fetching: <SearchResult search:(set(['monnier at']), ['rgm at', 'schwab at', 'eggert at', 'cyd at', 'cyd at', ...], 8)>
>   8.406  hpss call w/body: 'Repository.get_stream_1.19', 'emacs/', 'Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n' ('search\nmonnier at iro.u'...)
>   8.406                2310 bytes
>   8.672     result:   ('ok',)
> The full log up to this point is at the end of this message.
> Sometimes, the problem disappears after some time, sometimes it only
> disappears after a reboot (or maybe I get impatient and reboot before
> it disappears).  Lately, a day or two after a system restart, it
> starts happening again.
> Other communications, including Web browser SSH to the same host, work
> fine, even if these hangs happen.

Additional info: setting BZR_SSH in the environment to point to
plink.exe (instead of using the default paramiko) solves the problem
and allows "bzr up" to run to completion, albeit slower.  (That using
plink is slower than paramiko is something I know for quite some time,
so the slower speed not a surprise.  That it succeeded where paramiko
failed is a surprise.)

It is, of course, possible that the connection speed is what triggers
the problem, and that paramiko has nothing to do with this except that
it facilitates speedier traffic.

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