2.4.0 Cygwin - exceptions.OverflowError: can't convert negative value delta.py line 127,

jari jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Sep 29 04:01:54 UTC 2011

On 2011-09-28 23:37, Ronald Blaschke wrote:
| On 09/28/2011 10:14 PM, Martin Packman wrote:
| > On 28/09/2011, Ronald Blaschke <mailing-lists at rblasch.org> wrote:
| >>
| >> I'm now pretty confident the OverflowError is caused by a negative
| >> stat.st_dev.
| > 
| > Yes, well tracked down Ronald. Looking into the code while working on
| > the fix, I think I can now explain where the negative values were
| > coming from. There's a pyrex extension module that uses the platform
| > lstat directly then wraps the result to look like a normal Python stat
| > result. With the following, I get some negative values:
| > 
| >     from bzrlib._readdir_pyx import UTF8DirReader
| >     for r in UTF8DirReader().read_dir(".", "/cygdrive"):
| >         print r[4], r[3].st_dev
| > 
| > Based on your earlier feedback I've already included a test for
| > negative st_dev values with the fix, which is proposed for merging
| > now:
| > 
| > <https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/2.4_overflow_pack_stat_683191_706957/+merge/77373>
| Fantastic.  Thank you very much for looking into this.

Excellent news. Could we expect minor release ASAP, so that we can
replace 2.4.0 in Cygwin.


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