Bazaar Won't Commit or Update

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Sep 27 14:43:16 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 9/27/2011 4:37 PM, A. S. Budden wrote:
> On 27 September 2011 15:23, John Arbash Meinel 
> <john at> wrote:
>> On 9/27/2011 4:02 PM, A. S. Budden wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> One of my colleagues is having some fairly major problems with
>>>  Bazaar. He has made some changes to the files in his working 
>>> directory and now cannot commit (or even update).  This seems 
>>> to have affected the (bzr-externals) library modules in the 
>>> project as well.  We use heavyweight checkouts on all of our 
>>> projects here (in case it makes a difference).
>>> The output of "bzr update":
>>> bzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
>>> Similar output comes from "bzr ci -m Message" or "bzr pull 
>>> f:/path/to/repository/branch".  Adding the "--verbose" option 
>>> or the "--no-plugins" option makes no difference.
>>> I'm a bit lost as to what to do with this: it doesn't tell me 
>>> which file or directory is missing!  This is a little scary as 
>>> it's the first fairly fundamental problem we've had with 
>>> Bazaar...
>>> Any help anyone could offer in getting this working again (or 
>>> at least working out why it isn't working) would be greatly 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Al
>>> Some more information in case it's helpful:


> File "bzrlib\fetch.pyo", line 130, in _fetch_everything_for_search
>  File "bzrlib\vf_repository.pyo", line 1955, in insert_stream File 
> "bzrlib\repository.pyo", line 794, in start_write_group File 
> "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 1708, in _start_write_group 
> File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 1515, in 
> _start_write_group File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", 
> line 130, in __init__ File "bzrlib\transport\local.pyo", line 331, 
> in open_write_stream File "bzrlib\osutils.pyo", line 2370, in 
> open_file OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> Does this give any clues?
> Thanks,
> Al

Sounds like .bzr/repository/upload is missing. It is usually an empty
directory, but it is used to stage changes to the repository (so you
write a bunch of stuff, then rename it and update a file to make the
change atomic.)

In .bzr/repository I have:
$ ls ../.bzr/repository/
format  indices/  lock/  no-working-trees  obsolete_packs/  pack-names
 packs/  shared-storage  upload/

no-working-trees and shared-storage are feature flags which may or may
not be there, but the rest are required.

If you are missing one, you can just "mkdir obsolete_packs/" and
"mkdir upload/", and probably the same for lock/. For the others, if
they are missing, you've lost critical data.

I would also recommend trying to investigate why an empty directory
might be being deleted by your OS/whatever. Otherwise this will just
happen again.

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