Considering moving all Launchpad branches to 2a - based formats

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Sep 14 20:52:27 UTC 2011

On 14 September 2011 23:31, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 9/14/2011 3:10 PM, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> On 11-09-14 04:34 AM, Martin Pool wrote:
>>> .... I guess after that we need some announcement that it will
>>> happen, and possibly to contact people who are using old
>>> clients.
>> Certainly if we decide to execute this, we'll announce it.  I
>> hadn't thought of contacting users of old clients, though.
>>> I think that you may be able to look at the xmlrpc access logs
>>> for user-agents to see how many old clients are out there.
>> I actually thought bzr didn't send a version string.  Happy to be
>> wrong about that.
>> Aaron
> Since we implemented "Protocol version 3" of the bzr:// protocol, it
> sends a header section. As near as I can tell, nothing is actually
> done with those headers.

The reason I suggest looking specifically at the lp directory xmlrpc
queries, rather than ssh connections, is:

 * we do send the bzrlib version in the user-agent string and I think
always have since it was introduced
 * this query is sent on all connection attempts, including read-only
connections (but not by bzr ~>2.4, but that's irrelevant to this)
 * if it's not already logged by launchpad's http server it should be
trivial to do so


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