authentication.conf not working

Zygmunt Krynicki zygmunt.krynicki at
Mon Sep 5 07:25:49 UTC 2011

W dniu 05.09.2011 08:03, Igor Novikov pisze:
> I have set up a little bzr+ssh repository on my home server. But I can't
> get bazaar to remember my login and password. Here's my
> ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf:
> [StreetCleaner]
> scheme=bzr+ssh
> host=
> user=bzr_septi
> password='well_its_here_but_its_irrelevant'
> But when I do:
> $ bzr checkout bzr+ssh://bzr_septi@
> I'm being still asked for a password. What am I doing wrong?

This is not a direct answer but is there any reason why you cannot 
authenticate with ssh keys? This is always better and more secure than 
password authentication as far as I know.

Best regards

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