Notes on fdatasync for the test suite

John Meinel john at
Thu Sep 1 18:39:06 UTC 2011

Those spikes were on 2.3 which doesn't have fsync.

On Sep 1, 2011 4:03 PM, "Martin (gzlist)" <gzlist at> wrote:
> I'm wondering if memory pressure might also be a factor to the
> increasing run time? Do we have any numbers on the max resource usage
> of the run vs what the box has available?
> On 31/08/2011, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
>> But the fact that every-so-often we get a big spike in the run time
>> seems odd. But it might be because there are other processes running? (I
>> think Martin mentioned the machine is shared with U1).
> Seemingly random big spikes sounds normal for fsync to me, as the work
> required depends on all pending i/o not just file in question.
> Martin
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