bzr branch leads to empty folder

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Aug 22 03:08:48 UTC 2011

On 22 August 2011 12:57, Aaron Bentley <aaron at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11-08-18 03:34 AM, Martin Pool wrote:
>> The other thing I'd like is to at least optionally actually build the
>> tree over ftp.
> I've got some work in progress to modularize the TreeTransform code so
> that it doesn't have to hit the filesystem.  My goal was to have
> memory-only PreviewTrees, but the work could be extended to building
> trees over FTP or other transports.

That'd be great.

> Do you mean actual working trees?  Because our current working trees
> require OS locks, so that doesn't seem feasible except over the smart
> transport.  But if they're not actual working trees, then updating them
> properly on subsequent pushes could be very tricky.

I was thinking that we could change to using lockdirs guarding the
dirstate (which would be very worthwhile for a bunch of other reasons)
and then have real trees.  I think having a thing that looks like a
working tree but can't actually be edited would be likely to lead to


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