Standup 2011-08-16

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Aug 16 09:12:07 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

* Martin
    - Lots of good ideas from Statik, may start joining the standup if
      we move it to sometime other than 4am US.
    - Working on package import HTTPError failures. Which seems to be
    - Interviewed several people for the replace-spiv position, have
      some candidates that look pretty good.
    - Launchpad should be getting a good candidate soon for the
      Project Manager position.
    - Couple patches/reviews udd,gpg
    - Played with ssh reconnection for Launchpad
    - Might be good to incorporate the python-oops code into the UDD
    - Will be switching work schedule this week to overlap a bit more
      with European devs.

* Jelmer
    - Was Patch Pilot, did lots of reviews. Landed 2 contributor
    - Fixed some Launchpad related bugs, introduced a regression bug
      #826082 and bug #826136
    - Uploaded bzr 2.4.0 into Debian
    - Working on getting bzr-svn released
    - Colocated branch support updates, all the pieces seem to be
      implemented, just need final reviews and landing.
    - Should allow non-master imports, but will need the new bzr and
      new bzr-git to be rolled out on Launchpad first.
    - We should get ppa support for 'lucid-cat'/'hardy-cat' which is
      the IS distributions used for Canonical servers. This allows
      making it easier to create a .deb that can be rolled out by

* Should we be pushing to update the bzr that is on Launchpad, or
  should Launchpad be integrating our releases? While they have "more
  people" to work on the integration, we have more specific motivation
  of wanting the new code to be available. Often have a fair number of
  little breaks when jumping minor versions (2.2=>2.3=>2.4, etc.)
  Stable releases should be more straightforward.

  - For now, we expect to push the bzr releases into Launchpad,
    getting some assistance from them as necessary.

* There is now HAProxy in front of 2 Codehosting services.

  - Still struggling with how to handle long-lived connections.
    Because bzr can reasonably stay connected for 30 minutes while
    transferring lots of data, it is hard to find a window of what a
    reasonable wait time is before disconnecting clients.

  - If bzr starts doing reasonable reconnects, then it becomes easier
    to just disconnect the client, and it can reconnect to the other

* Now that there is an internal Canonistack cloud, we might try
  deploying tarmac or Babune (Jenkins) to it.

* John
    - get_parent_map updates - Code Reviews
    - Backported "freshness" check to bzr-2.1
    - Working on Quilt merging on Thurs

* Vincent
    - Worked on config
    - 2.4.0 has gone Gold, will probably delay the "is available"
      release Some delays because of new email configurations.
    - Looking to do more formal emails to packagers to make sure the
      right versions are getting packaged for a given release, but to
      also not block the release waiting indefinitely for plugins.
    - ModuleAvailableFeature __import__ logic bug. Probably just
      target trunk

* Jonathan Riddell
    - Was away for the Desktop Summit. Very good to meet up with
      desktop friends
    - Pointed out apt-get still recommends 'bzr get' rather than 'bzr
      branch'.  Has been fixed.
    - KDE search wasn't ignoring .bzr/, fixed.
    - Started working on a KDE Dolphin plugin for bzr support
    - Request for 'bzr commit -i' (interactive mode)
    - Request for 'bzr qlog' to include diff 'inline'
    - Patch Pilot this week


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