[ANN] bzr 2.4.0 has gone gold

vila at canonical.com vila at canonical.com
Thu Aug 11 13:00:07 UTC 2011


Here comes 2.4.0 !

Let's build installers and packages to make 2.4.0 an even better bzr
than ever.

All plugin authors should now have official releases for inclusion.

If they haven't yet and you encounter issues while packaging, please
report here so we can more easily track the issues (or even better file
bugs *and* report here ;).

It will also be nice if you can reply to this mail to list which
versions of which plugins you packaged.

See the Changelog at https://launchpad.net/bzr/2.4/2.4.0 for more
details about what is included and for the tarball.

I'll make the official announcement next Tuesday morning UTC (2011-08-16)
with whatever packages/installers are available at this point.

Have fun !


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