Latex project with parent-child files

spinner michaelcrain at
Fri Aug 12 03:29:29 UTC 2011

Many thanks for all your excellent comments.

I discovered that the source of my biggest confusion is selecting the
model when initializing a new project. It seems that I should be using
the plain branch model. The documentation said that 99% of the time the
model will be something else. Now, the structure looks like I want. No
'trunk' folder, which was the source of my initial confusion.

I'll be testing this out over the next several days. 

Question: I am using Bazaar solo, and not using it to collaborate with
others. Also, I carry my files on an external HD between my office and
home computers. I've got things installed and working on one
computer. Do I need to do anything on the second computer, working
with the same external drive, other than install Bazaar on it?

Russel, I'm not familiar with Waf nor SCons. Do these work in
conjunction with a LaTeX package (I have the MikTex installation)? What
does it do better than LaTeX? I understand it doesn't create all those
annoying Tex process files. What else?

Thanks again.

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