Binary file storage similar to Kiln

Anteru newsgroups at
Sat Jul 23 18:16:23 UTC 2011


> or it could even go into a single file eg.
> .bzrmeta/bigfiles
> which contains lines the path and the hash of each big file.
all right, thanks for the keywords link, that definitely looks like a
starting point. So how do you suggest to start? By having some meta
files storing the hash which are tracked "as usual" by bzr, and get hold
of the binary file associated with it using content filters?

I'm new to Bazaar, and I haven't written a plugin for it yet, so here's
some guesswork: Wouldn't this break when the file is actually changed?
I.e. let's assume I want a work-flow like this ...

bzr add-big foo.bin
// foo.bin.meta gets added to the repository
bzr ci
// foo.bin.meta is committed
// foo.bin gets transferred using some method to the server

// other machine
bzr pull
// foo.bin.meta is checked out
// content filter recognizes the file and fetches foo.bin
touch foo.bin
bzr status
// will show foo.bin.meta as untouched, right?
bzr ci
// won't update foo.bin.meta, will it?

My plan is initially to store the large files locally on disk and just
get the hooking part working (i.e. no server-side communication.) I
think it's enough if every binary file gets hashed and gets stored under
its hash, delta compression is not important here at first and could be
possibly added later on anyway. That should be the easy part. I assume
the hard part is to get the transport layer to transfer the files and
get them stored server-side.


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