Should Launchpad pre-fetch tagged revisions in preparation for bzr 2.4

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Jul 21 12:28:43 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

Now that bzr-2.4 is almost out, I was wondering if we want to write a
script that runs through Launchpad branches, and tries to fill in tagged
revisions in the development focus.

My thoughts:

1) We did this manually for bzr, because we have a lot of revisions that
are tagged but not on the mainline. And it made a very noticeable impact
on the size and speed for new stacked branches.

2) I think people will migrate piecemeal to 2.4, and we'll start getting
bug reports that it is slower and less efficient than 2.3. Which we'll
be triaging one-by-one until they someone upgrades to 2.4 and does the
push to their trunk.

3) Someone pushing to trunk can take arbitrarily long. Consider that for
bzr, the only one with commit rights to trunk is a hard-to-upgrade robot.

4) The reason we didn't make a big deal of it, is because we didn't
expect most branches to have a lot of tagged revisions, that weren't
also in the development focus history.

However, I just started investigating bug #388269 for gcc-linaro, and
they have 2626 tags that are not in the development focus history.

I think the issue is because it is a bzr-svn conversion. And creating a
tag in svn *also* creates a commit. So almost every tag is going to not
be in the history of the primary branch.

5) If I'm right about bzr-svn, this is probably a strong reason why we
*want* to fetch tagged revisions, but also a strong reason why we are
likely to see a lot of fallout from this change.


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