bzr fast-import/fast-export what's the importance of marks file when dealing with multiple branches

Bailey, Darragh dbailey at
Wed Jul 13 14:15:39 UTC 2011

While experimenting with using git-bzr-ng and import/export branches to 
git/from bzr I'm wondering what is the importance of using the same 
mark's files when handling related but unmerged branches from the same 

The example on 
indicates that one should do the following when exporting and import 
related branches:

bzr fast-export --export-marks=marks.bzr |
        GIT_DIR=project/.git git-fast-import --export-marks=marks.git

bzr fast-export --import-marks=marks.bzr -b other project.other |
        GIT_DIR=project/.git git-fast-import --import-marks=marks.git

But nowhere can I find an indication of why this is important? Is this 
just a performance improvement, or is there a repository history 
integrity issue should it not be followed?


"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool" - Unknown

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