Bizare Bazaar

Matt Scarisbrick matt_scarisbrick at
Tue Jul 12 09:29:53 UTC 2011

On 12/07/2011 09:37, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 7/12/2011 10:12 AM, Matt Scarisbrick wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I've been using Bazaar for 3 years now, but recently I've been seeing
>> some odd behviour and wondered if anyone knows why. We operate with a
>> master branch which I control and devs all have their own branch of that
>> master. I merge their changes in and they merge back to get the up to
>> date mainline. However, sometimes when I merge their changes I get a
>> criss-cross merge, and looking in the log it shows that when they merged
>> with the master branch it actually merged a couple of revisions behind
>> the head of that branch at the time, which I suspect is what is causing
>> the criss-cross. Has anyone seen this behviour before and how I can
>> correct it? (We're all using v 2.x) - I can provide a screenshot if
>> that's useful.
>> Many thanks,
>> Matt
> Often people will have a local branch of "master" that they merge from.
> They may not have updated it after you updated the real master before
> they merge it.
> There are other ways to get criss-cross, such as by having 2 integration
> branches. If they both merge feature branches, then after 2 feature
> branches are merged, there is no longer a simple base to pick from for
> future merges.
> A screenshot could be helpful.

Thanks for your reply. Please see the attached - master on the left, 
user Michael on the right. To me it looks like when Michael merged he 
got the master branch at revision 1583 when I would have expected him to 
get revision 1585. I then get a criss-cross merge at revision 1586 as 
there are two paths back to 1583.

I'm pretty sure none of our devs have their own copy of the master 
branch - it's on a local server so we just merge down from that.

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