[rfc] split out developer-oriented news

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed Jun 15 03:11:16 UTC 2011

On 14 June 2011 19:01, Andrew Bennetts <andrew.bennetts at canonical.com> wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
>> I was wondering if we should split out the developer-oriented news
>> (API breaks, new recommendations etc) from the user release notes.
> This sounds somewhat like what we already have with What's New vs.
> Release Notes.  I suppose you're talking about a different distinction,
> so can you elaborate what the difference is?  It's probably better than
> me guessing what you mean :)

There would be three levels:

What's new: one or two paragraphs per major release of summary.

release-notes: every user visible change

api-changes: things that will break plugins and similar


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