[PA] Elite members and priority queues

vila v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Jun 14 07:28:19 UTC 2011

>>>>> Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:

    > Like John Barstow I did find some earlier PP PA mails a bit cryptic,
    > even though I'm both a native English speaker and following bzr pretty
    > closely.  I sympathize if you want to make them less stolid and
    > repetitive.

Yup, that's the goal. I'm sorry about the cryptic part and I'm trying to
improve. In the mean time, just point me to the unclear parts and I'll

If this ~cryptic aspect start discussions on specific issues though,
it's not that bad ;) 

For example, I *am* tracking our WIP queue status and it will be nice if
more people were acting on it (including asking for help which may be
the most significant action).

    > In fact even the acronym 'PA' may be opaque to some; I suppose you
    > mean public address system.  Perhaps saying '[pilot]' instead would be
    > better.

Hehe, yeah, that's what is displayed on the screen in front of you when
the pilot has something to say (and rudely interrupts your movie). I
never found the official translation (public address) and thought it
meant 'Pilot Announcement' (I've never heard stewardess use it ;).

    > There was a fair amount of content in this particular one; I liked
    > the summary of what landed.  I think the talk about 'patch
    > discrimination' might be alarming and as I see it that's not
    > what's really going on: no patches are being discriminated
    > against, but rather some that ought to be helped are being
    > inadvertently neglected.

Indeed. I thought 'discrimination' was balanced enough by WIP/VIP to not
hurt anybody involved, sorry if this was the case.

    > Probably for the graphs (which are good) it's worth telling people
    > what conclusion they ought to draw.


    > I flew today (in real life) and the pilot said "I hope this works out"
    > to the stewardess as she closed the door(!!).

Hehe, glad it worked for you ;)


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