Intent to proceed: Unsubscribe ~bzr from all code review mail

Max Bowsher _ at
Tue May 31 12:54:54 UTC 2011

On 26/05/11 09:38, Max Bowsher wrote:
> =====================================================================
> Create one new team ~bzr-codereview. This will be an Open team, owned by
> ~bazaar-council.
> ~bzr-codereview will be subscribed for code review notifications to
> lp:bzr and lp:bzr/2.* - the process for setting up a new series branch
> will now include subscribing ~bzr-codereview.
> ~bzr-core and ~bzr will be unsubscribed from all branches.
> =====================================================================

OK, there seems to be tentative consensus that this is a good idea.

Please shout if you disagree.

Two questions:

1) How long shall I wait after setting up the new team and advertising
it, before unsubscribing the existing teams? (To give people who want to
continue getting the code review email to join the new team)

2) Maybe the team should be owned by ~bzr rather than ~bazaar-council?
It seems somewhat less sensitive than the 'bzr' project, which is owned
by ~bzr.


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