Proposal: Unsubscribe ~bzr from all code review mail

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu May 26 20:12:57 UTC 2011

On 26 May 2011 18:38, Max Bowsher <_ at> wrote:
> On 25/05/11 12:30, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> As a result of ~bzr membership, I get a high volume of code review email
>> that I mostly ignore - I simply don't have enough hours in the day to
>> follow the discussions surrounding all merge proposals going on across
>> Bazaar and related projects.
>> I would like to propose that ~bzr should be unsubscribed from all
>> branches. It's easy enough to subscribe to branches that you are
>> actually interested in receiving mail about - and if there are commons
>> subsets of branches that many people would want to subscribe to, let us
>> create dedicated teams for them.
> OK, there are some people broadly in favour, and some people concerned
> about loss of ability to easily receive all Bazaar codereview email.
> Now that we have discussed it a bit, I'd like to put forward a more
> concrete proposal:
> =====================================================================
> Create one new team ~bzr-codereview. This will be an Open team, owned by
> ~bazaar-council.
> ~bzr-codereview will be subscribed for code review notifications to
> lp:bzr and lp:bzr/2.* - the process for setting up a new series branch
> will now include subscribing ~bzr-codereview.
> ~bzr-core and ~bzr will be unsubscribed from all branches.
> =====================================================================
> You may note that I have made no mention of a team to subscribe to all
> code review email across the bazaar project group. That is because, once
> wgrant pointed me to
> I realized that despite what people may think, ~bzr is NOT currently
> subscribed to code review email across the entire bazaar project group.
> If people feel it would be useful, then I extend my above proposal to
> include another team ~bazaar-codereview, to be subscribed to the
> development focus branch of all projects within the bazaar project group.

I would be a bit sorry to see yet another team created.  But this
probably is the most practical at present way to make sure one opt in
group gets all the review mail and nobody else should.

I filed <> asking for
a better way to do this.  It is good to see some progress towards
Launchpad mail management.


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