Using bzr with pycurl on Windows

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Thu May 26 10:28:12 UTC 2011

> From: vila <v.ladeuil+lp at>
> Cc: vila <v.ladeuil+lp at>,  bazaar at
> Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 11:49:41 +0200
>     >   4.684  > OPTIONS /dlitz/pycrypto.git/
> Not a bzr request, I know bzr-svn starts with such a request, no idea
> about bzr-git.
> One trick to try would be: 'BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=svn bzr ...' hmm, or
> whatever the equivalent syntax is on windows (i.e. disable the bzr-svn
> plugin just for this command and compare the logs).

Tried that, made no difference.

>                     # httplib.BadStatusLine and
>                     # httplib.UnknownProtocol indicates that a
>                     # bogus server was encountered or a bad
>                     # connection (i.e. transient errors) is
>                     # experimented, we have already retried once
>                     # for that request so we raise the exception.
> But in your case that's not transient right ?

No, it consistently fails.

> So we're back to square one :-/ We need to see what the server is
> returning there.
> Trying to reproduce locally with bzr-git trunk tip, I get: 
> InvalidHttpResponse: Invalid http response for
> Unable to handle http
> code 0: 
> and activating the debug locally finally reveals:
>   reply: 'incomplete headers'
> so we get 'incomplete headers' where we expect a proper HTTP status
> line... that's not a nice server behavior there :-/ Note that this is
> coming straight from the python httplib module which means the string is
> sent as-is on the wire instead of a proper:
>   reply: 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n'
> or whatever HTTP way to report errors.
> It doesn't give a clue about which header is incomplete either.

Maybe adding some debugging printout somewhere will help?


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