post_commit hook write a file?
Chris Hecker
checker at
Mon May 23 10:25:28 UTC 2011
Hmm, spoke too soon...on a push it gives this:
bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute
Not sure why it'd get called when I'm pushing, since that won't change
the branch tip, will it?
On 2011/05/22 22:08, Chris Hecker wrote:
> Okay, this seems to work, thanks! I fixed a couple small issues (no os
> import, typo for hook name), so here's the final version:
> from bzrlib import branch, errors
> def update_revno_file(params):
> try:
> trans = params.branch.bzrdir.root_transport
> path = trans.local_abspath('revno')
> except errors.NotLocalURL:
> return # Nothing to do for a remote URL
> import os.path
> if os.path.isfile(path):
> with open(path,'w') as f:
> f.write(str(params.new_revno))
> branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_change_branch_tip',
> update_revno_file,
> 'Update "revno" file on branch
> change, if it exists.')
> Thanks again!
> Chris
> On 2011/05/21 07:26, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 5/21/2011 7:19 AM, Chris Hecker wrote:
>>> Hi, I've never tried to write a plugin before, and my python skills are
>>> at the barely-literate level, so I'm wondering if someone who knows the
>>> bzr api inside and out can tell me if I'm doing this right.
>>> I'm trying to write a post_commit hook that will put the new revno in a
>>> file at the root of the branch, if that file already exists. Here's
>>> what I have so far, does this look right? It seems to work.
>>> This is to update a version resource in an executable. Visual Studio is
>>> totally broken in the way it handles build events and custom build
>>> steps, so I can't use bzr revno or version-info because I need a file
>>> that changes on every commit, sadly.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>> To start with, I would probably use a post_changed_branch_tip hook,
>> since that also triggers when you do "bzr pull".
>> Second, Transport knows about how to create a local path if the URL is
>> actually local.
>>> import bzrlib.branch
>>> def post_commit_hook(local, master, old_revno, old_revid, new_revno,
>>> new_revid):
>>> import bzrlib.urlutils
>>> import os.path
>>> p = bzrlib.urlutils.local_path_from_url(master.base) + 'revno'
>>> if os.path.isfile(p):
>>> f = open(p,'w')
>>> f.write(str(new_revno))
>>> f.close()
>>> # my version of bzr doesn't have install_lazy_named_hook, sadly
>>> bzrlib.branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_commit',
>>> post_commit_hook,
>>> 'Update revno file on
>>> commit, if it exists.')
>> from bzrlib import branch, errors
>> def update_revno_file(params):
>> try:
>> trans = params.branch.bzrdir.root_transport
>> path = trans.local_abspath('revno')
>> except errors.NotLocalURL:
>> return # Nothing to do for a remote URL
>> if os.path.isfile(path):
>> with open(path, 'wb') as f:
>> f.write('%s\n' % (params.new_revno,))
>> branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_changed_branch_tip',
>> update_revno_file, 'update "revno"')
>> John
>> =:->
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