[ANN] bzr 2.3.3 released !

David Muir davidkmuir at gmail.com
Mon May 23 01:45:47 UTC 2011

That's why there's a "gold" announcement a week prior to the release
announcement. It's supposed to give enough time to get the downloads
ready in time for the release announcement.

I'm using the PPA, so I got upgraded several days ago, so the system
seems to be working well there. And the OSX download is available on LP,
but yeah, I don't see the Windows package.

Also noticed that the Bazaar page says "bzr 2.3. released" instead of 2.3.3.


On 23/05/11 09:13, Liam Routt wrote:
> Just sayin'...
> It is odd to see an announcement on the front page of
> http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/ which says that 2.3.3 is released, and
> yet be unable to find it in the Downloads page you can get to from
> there (at least for the Windows package, which is what I happened to
> be looking for).
> I usually (yes, I've had this before) then go back and view the
> announcement in the news section (which points to
> https://launchpad.net/bzr/+announcement/8387), but that doesn't do
> anything at all to obviously point me to a download location, although
> it does highlight that all users of earlier 2.3 should upgrade...
> Looking around on the launchpad (actually not from the news item
> itself, as mentally I'm still figuring I'm on bazaar.canonical.com at
> that point, but getting there from elsewhere) I eventually get to the
> all downloads page (as there isn't a new download listed for 2.3.3
> Windows on the front page, which confuses me for a moment). And then I
> find there aren't any packages for Windows there either.
> So I've returned to this message on the mailing list, to find that
> some of the packages are not available, but "will be available soon".
> From the point of view of a user, this is all confusing. I'd rather
> see an announcement when the packages are all ready, rather than when
> the first ones are ready. Ideally you want the whole website to point
> to the new material at the same time; and really you might want the
> announcement news item to more clearly indicate where to look for the
> packages, and which ones are actually available.
> Again, "just sayin'"... :)
> Definitely looking forward to the upgrade!
> Take care,
> Liam Routt
> Media Saints
> On 20/05/2011 9:37 PM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We've got a new stable release: 2.3.3
>> 2.3.2 has been skipped due to an issue in the release process, so don't
>> search for it ;)
>> This is a bugfix release. Upgrading is recommended for all users on
>> earlier 2.3 releases.
>> Thanks to everyone who contributed patches, suggestions, and feedback.
>> Bazaar is now available for download from
>> https://launchpad.net/bzr/2.3/2.3.3/ as a source tarball; packages for
>> various systems are or will be available soon.
> ...

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