please smoketest bzr 2.1.4 on Ubuntu Lucid

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed May 18 19:21:40 UTC 2011

Hi all,

We're getting much more practiced at getting out stable-series Bazaar
updates, and in particular with the help from the Ubuntu technical
board and SRU team we are getting faster safe bugfix updates into
stable Ubuntu series.  (This one was source-released yesterday and
approved into lucid-proposed today which is just so gratifying.)

If you're running Ubuntu Lucid LTS, you can help us with this by
helping test the new bzr 2.1.4 package from lucid-proposed, to help us
verify there are no unintended regressions, before it goes in to
lucid-updates in a week or two.  This is intended to be a very safe
update for people on 2.1 and only has changes that have already been
checked out in the development series.

If you install and use it, whether you find problems or not, please
comment on <> so we know
it's safe to promote it to -updates.

Bugs fixed are in <>.

For lucid-proposed instructions see


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