Changing default for ~remember~ (was: [RFC] I want to disable submit_branch on my computer for all branches. How can I do that?)

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue May 17 08:36:45 UTC 2011

On 17 May 2011 03:48, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> Barry Warsaw writes:
>  > On May 17, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
>  >
>  > >Oof. I find that the "default to remember on first use" behaviour makes
>  > >Bazaar easy to teach.
>  >
>  > Agreed.  The fact that Mercurial *doesn't* do this was one little pain point
>  > in starting to use it.  This is a really nice behavior for Bazaar (IMO).

Thanks, that's useful feedback.

> Hey, are you sure you understand how small a change is being discussed
> here?  First, Mercurial doesn't even have --remember options.  Yes,
> that's painful.
> Second, what Martin and I are talking about is changing the behavior
> of *merge* *only*.  The semantics of merge are very often "merge THAT"
> (rather than "merge [it again]"), so specifying the branch to merge is
> natural in most cases IME, with the single exception of updating from
> parent.

Well, we do need to think about how this ought to fit with other
commands that also have default locations.

> But I advocate (and I think Martin does too) that *branch* will still
> have "remember parent" semantics, and *push* and *pull* will still
> have "remember mirror" semantics (because push and pull have mirror
> semantics, it's hard to create a complex mess, so I would argue
> there's little harm that can happen), so that

I wasn't specifically advocating that, but it may be a good place to
draw the line.


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