Changing default for ~remember~

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Tue May 17 05:17:14 UTC 2011

"Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:

> Hey, are you sure you understand how small a change is being discussed
> here?

Reading your message, I think you're right that I have misunderstood the
scope of this change.

> But I advocate (and I think Martin does too) that *branch* will still
> have "remember parent" semantics, and *push* and *pull* will still
> have "remember mirror" semantics (because push and pull have mirror
> semantics, it's hard to create a complex mess, so I would argue
> there's little harm that can happen), so that [most existing commands
> DTRT].

That's all good to know.

To confirm, will this still work:

    $ bzr branch bind bzr+ssh:// trunk/
    $ bzr branch trunk/ feature-foo/

    $ cd feature-foo/
    $ # hack hack hack
    $ cd ../trunk/ && bzr update
    $ cd ../feature-foo/ && bzr merge

In other words, so long as “from the conceptual upstream” is the default
for ‘merge’ (unless explicitly told to remember something else), that
covers most of the cases where I'd care about the current behaviour

 \        “A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You |
  `\    know that thing you just did? Don't do that.”” —Douglas Adams, |
_o__)                                                       2000-04-05 |
Ben Finney

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