[RFC] I want to disable submit_branch on my computer for all branches. How can I do that?

A. S. Budden abudden at gmail.com
Fri May 13 09:50:38 UTC 2011

On 13 May 2011 10:10, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Short answer:
> For my use case, merge remembering the location doesn't help. It is rare
> that I do the same merge more than once. Also, in my head it is always
> "I want to merge THIS_BRANCH", which means I already have a target I'm
> typing. I have to think harder if I want to remember what the default
> branch would be, and if that matches THIS_BRANCH.
> Longer answer.
> Some people work like Aaron does/did, and have multiple locations that
> they sync. (desktop/laptop/server/smart phone)
> As such, the default location they would push/pull is likely to be one
> of their other locations.
> Some people work primarily in one location, and have their work in a
> star-topology around a trunk branch. In which case, there is a small
> chance they will merge between feature branches, and a fairly large
> chance they will merge from trunk. Probably the largest chance is that
> they will merge into trunk, but each of those merges is unlikely to be
> repeated.
> I will say that *for me*, I pretty much never write just "bzr merge". I
> always give a source (fairly frequently bzr merge ../bzr.dev). I don't
> know if the current algorithm is confusing enough that I don't use it,
> or just that I work on 20 different branches, and have no idea what each
> one things is the merge target. So I'm just always explicit.

Just to add the viewpoint of a bound-branch user, I find the submit
location largely irrelevant to my workflow, although it makes Bazaar
Explorer much more inconsistent.  I use a lot of feature branches with
a heavyweight checkout.  Having a merge location would probably be
useful, but I'd also love a 'previous bound location'.  At the moment
I do something like:

    bzr co /path/to/trunk
    # hack, commit, hack, commit
    bzr switch -b new-feature
    # hack, commit, hack, commit
    bzr switch trunk
    bzr merge /path/to/new-feature
    bzr ci -m "Merged new feature"

Having to put the full path into merge is a pain: just "bzr merge
new-feature" would be better, but what would be really nice is:

    bzr co /path/to/trunk
    # hack, commit etc
    bzr switch -b new-feature
    # hack commit etc
    bzr switch :parent
    bzr merge :previous
    bzr ci -m "Merged new feature"

Just my tuppen'orth...


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