[bzr-explorer] Please test latest changes in bzr-explorer trunk

Eric Siegerman lists08-bzr at davor.org
Tue May 10 15:23:26 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 11:15 +0300, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> NO, I'm actually very lazy and I've tried to make joke about secret 
> places. My joke didn't work. Too bad for me.

Well *I* thought it was funny :-)

    You are in the Windows Developers' Chamber, a hive of
    activity.  Through a chink in the rock, you can hear the
    faint, unintelligible sounds of people talking about Linux.
    A passage leads north.

    > north

    You are in a long featureless passage.  There are exits to the
    west and south.

    > west


    > south


    > south


    > east


    > east


    > north

    You are in the Linux Developers' Chamber, a hive of familiar
    but incomprehensible activity.  Through a chink in the rock,
    you can hear the faint sounds of people talking about Windows
    -- the sounds of home.

Or, more to the point:

    You are in the Windows Developers' Chamber, a hive of
    activity.  Through a chink in the rock, you can hear the
    faint, unintelligible sounds of people talking about Linux.

    A low, narrow, twisting passage, strewn with boulders, exits
    to the east.  Through it, you can hear the faint,
    unintelligible sounds of people talking about Linux.

    > east

    The way is barred.

    > install linux

    You have a Linux box.

    You are a clueless n00b.

    > man man; man this; man that; man the-other

    You are still mystified.

    > buy "Linux for Idiots"

    You are holding a copy of "Linux for Idiots".

    > read book

    You are somewhat less clueless.

    > write code

    You are bloody but unbowed.  Your Linux code finally works.

    > package code for ubuntu

    Well that was a whole other experience, wasn't it?  You now
    have an installable Debian archive.  As a side effect, you
    know where in other .deb's to find the packager's contact

    > package code for redhat

    Well that was a whole other experience, wasn't it?  You now
    have an installable RPM.  As a side effect, you know where in
    other RPMs to find the packager's contact info.

    > blink

    You realize that you are now at the east end of the passage.

    You are in the Linux Developers' Chamber, a hive of familiar
    activity.  The discussions surrounding you make perfect
    A wide, straight, well-lit corridor exits to the west.  At
    the other end, you can see the Windows Developers' Chamber,
    and hear, perfectly clearly, all of your old friends talking.
  - Eric

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