[bzr-explorer] Please test latest changes in bzr-explorer trunk

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Sun May 8 12:41:00 UTC 2011

I've made couple of changes in explorer this weekend.
One of this changes affects how refresh (auto-refresh) works: before
refresh code was synchronous, as result explorer was unresponsive
while refreshing big trees (even with explorer tree itself I have that
problem on my old notebook). I've changed that to make sure we do
refresh in the background and avoid refreshing too often. I suppose
some of crash reports related to refresh action will be fixed now, but
it's hard to tell. Anyway the change itself is small but provides good
result in my testing. Please test it on your machines with your
medium/big sized trees and provide the feedback.

Another change is related to delete unversioned paths. Now explorer
uses send2trash library, and it does the good thing on Windows. I need
testers on Mac, and on Linux distribs too. The worst part is Linux
behavior. As I understand it there are differences between various
distributions what is trash and how we should delete files into trash.
So, if you will find that send2trash does the wrong thing on your
platform, please, make sure bug reports going to send2trash
maintainers. I have no ability to fix all issues.

Also, dear explorer packagers. I don't know how to communicate with
you because you always do your work somewhere in the secret and hidden
places. But, I see that often you don't like when bzr core/plugins
carries some third-libraries in the code. I have enough experince with
that in qbzr and configobj library, so in explorer I'm trying to
import send2trash from system wide location first and from our copy
then. I hope that makes your lives easier ;-)

So, please test it and file bug reports if something wrong, and send
me a word if it works better now with your multi-giga-bytes trees.
That'll be important to hear.

Also, I need more beta-testers for changes in explorer trunk and I
need a channel to communicate with beta-testers. I don't want to
create a new team on launchpad and activate mailing list for that but
maybe I should. So for now to avoid spam on main bzr ML I invite
interested people to join qbzr discussion group/ML and follow mails
related to bzr-explorer.

Thank you
All the dude wanted was his rug back

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