how to write a project-aware post commit hook for trac?

Nagy Viktor - Vikti - Bika viktor.nagy at
Wed May 4 21:38:21 UTC 2011


I would like to have a single post commit hook for all my trac-s
I've seen:

the trac hook should call
$ trac-admin $ENV changeset added "openerp-6" $REV

where $ENV is a directory path to my trac instance.

my first question is how could I get $REV?

the second needs a bit of explanation
I have several projects, and my repo is organised the same way, e.g.
if $ENV is /var/tracprojects/myproj, then my bzr repo is at /var/bzr/myproj
so how can I get the path of the current bzr repo the hook is called on?

thanks, Viktor
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