Resources for quick acquisition of Bazaar for busy Subversion-users

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Tue Apr 19 14:05:11 UTC 2011

On 19/04/2011 12:58, Ben Finney wrote:
> What should be my approach? What resources should I use to teach these
> programmers quickly to use Bazaar effectively?

I fear that's not a read-to-use resource, but if you have to do the tutorial yourself, 
maybe you can get inspiration from the site which was made to convert 
Subversion users to Mercurial.

If you happen to make such tutorial, and if your company accepts it, I suggest to share it 
here. If we have early access, maybe we can give feedback.

Giving the time constraint, I suppose you will concentrate on adapting only the current 
workflow used in your company, which, given the flexibility of Bzr, will cover only a 
fraction of its capabilities. So, of course, using the official Bazaar tutorial (the part 
that is of interest for your case) can be also a good idea, I found it quite well done.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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