Reverting to first revision, temporarily

Krilin Wantun kwnz01 at
Wed Apr 13 07:49:45 UTC 2011

El 13/04/2011 9:31, John Arbash Meinel escribió:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/13/2011 09:18 AM, Krilin Wantun wrote:
>> Hello, I need to install in a server the original version of a project,
>> but after that I need to keep working on the last revision,
>> Is there a straight way to temporarily revert to first revision and then
>> get back to the last one and keep working?
>> (the way I would do it now is: copy the whole project in a new folder,
>> revert to first revision, ftp first revision to server, copy back the
>> last version)
>> Thank you
> You can always use "bzr revert -r 1" to change your current state to the
> first revision, and then "bzr revert" to change it back to the latest
> revision.
> However, it sounds like what you want is to upload to the server the
> first revision, and not touch your local copy.
> How are you updating the server version? Just with a plain ftp upload?
> I know there is the 'bzr-upload' plugin, which is designed around that
> sort of thing, but I don't know if it supports specifying an exact
> version to upload. If it does (and it lets you upload versions older
> than the current one) that might be a reasonable way to do it.
> John
> =:->

Yes, I use a plain ftp upload so I'll use your solution

Thank you

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