[fixed] ignore problem

vila v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Apr 8 17:02:32 UTC 2011

>>>>> Steve Franks <bahamasfranks at gmail.com> writes:

    >> The real problem here is the rules like "*back*".  In general I would
    >> say it's a bad idea to have an ignore pattern that's not anchored at
    >> at least one end, or by "delimiter" characters like period or hyphen.

    > I came around to exactly that line of thinking after analyzing the
    > problem for a few more minutes myself.  I had this occur once before,
    > and I never figured out the problem was related to ignore until now -
    > guess I should have added a few more -v 's the first time around...

May be 'bzr add' should mention 'bzr ignored' when it is invoked without
arguments and add *no* files.

Would that have helped you ?


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