Strange ghost characters when using bzr-git

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Fri Apr 8 09:38:06 UTC 2011

Whenever I use bzr-git, the first phases ("Counting objects" and
"Compressing objects") frequently exhibit some pretty errant behavior,
mostly some spurious characters and sometimes extra lines.  Here's an

    65kB     0kB/s - Counting objects: 112496, done. 0

See that " 0" at the end of the line?  I don't know if the problem is
in bzr-git or in dulwich, so I didn't file a bug report yet.  Or maybe
the remote server sends something, like termcap escape sequences that
the Windows console cannot grok?  Let me know if there's some more
info I can provide to help debug this.

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